


BookTrader lets you create, modify and transmit orders for a single instrument from within the book price ladder. Create an order at any price, including the best bid and ask, with a single click.

BookTrader Offers the Following Benefits:

  • Add position and P&L fields to the quote line for a dynamic view.
  • Create Limit, Stop and Bracket orders with a single click.
  • Create and customize hotkeys to support many additional order types.
  • View available bid and ask quantities in the price ladder. The price ladder is color coded for instant recognition of current best bid and ask prices, the day's trading range, order types and order status.
  • Pre-set your order defaults for specific symbols.
  • Open multiple windows simultaneously.
  • Select Advanced Mode to operate 100% via keyboard and create an editable Order column.
  • Use TWS's familiar trader tool layout, which provides customizable quote line, order row fields and complete order management.
  • Hide the menu and trader panel for an expanded view of the price ladder.
FX Order Example

BookTrader is available via the New Window menu in Trader Workstation (TWS).

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